The HCC Family Life ministry is excited to present a weekend conference on EQ – Emotional Quotient, aka Emotional Intelligence. Our society places a lot of value on IQ (Intelligence Quotient), but research shows that EQ is of greater importance than IQ for success in life. For example, your IQ may get you the job you want, but your EQ will help you retain and advance in your job, as you interact with others on your team. Similarly, EQ helps you in your daily relationships and impacts how effective you are in conveying the reality of Christ to others.


Our conference will introduce the 4 key components of EQ, as well as provide workshops on the management of those components: 


Self-awareness 自我意識                        Social awareness 社會意識
      Self-management 自我管理                Relationship management 關係管理




  • 5月5日,星期五 晚上7:30 – 9:30  – 兩場講座
    • 變得像耶穌: 建立在信仰上的情商 影音连接
    • 情緒自我意識: 認識自己的情緒及其影響 影音连接
  • 5月6日,星期六早上 9:00 – 12:30 – 三場工作坊
    • 準確的自我評估: 了解自己的長處和局限 影音连接
    • 藉著基督的個體力量: 以聖經為基礎的價值和能力 影音连接
    • 同理心: 感知他人的感受和觀點 影音连接


Speaker 講員:

Sue Hurst graduated from Liberty University with a psychology degree specializing in Life Coaching. Additionally, she’s earned 4 coaching certifications with 2 specifically for Emotional Intelligence. She is a speaker and Christian coach that focuses on EQ and presents it with a biblical perspective.

Sue Hurst畢業於Liberty University,獲得心理學學位,專注於人生指導。此外,她還獲得了四項導師認證,其中兩項專攻情商。她是一位知名講員和基督徒導師,她的講座以情商為主題,並以聖經的觀點呈現。



The HCC Family Life ministry is excited to present a weekend conference on EQ – Emotional Quotient, aka Emotional Intelligence. Our society places a lot of value on IQ (Intelligence Quotient), but research shows that EQ is of greater importance than IQ for success in life. For example, your IQ may get you the job you want, but your EQ will help you retain and advance in your job, as you interact with others on your team. Similarly, EQ helps you in your daily relationships and impacts how effective you are in conveying the reality of Christ to others.


Our conference will introduce the 4 key components of EQ, as well as provide workshops on the management of those components: 


Self-awareness 自我意識                        Social awareness 社會意識
      Self-management 自我管理                Relationship management 關係管理




  • 5月5日,星期五 晚上7:30 – 9:30  – 兩場講座
    • 變得像耶穌: 建立在信仰上的情商 影音连接
    • 情緒自我意識: 認識自己的情緒及其影響 影音连接
  • 5月6日,星期六早上 9:00 – 12:30 – 三場工作坊
    • 準確的自我評估: 了解自己的長處和局限 影音连接
    • 藉著基督的個體力量: 以聖經為基礎的價值和能力 影音连接
    • 同理心: 感知他人的感受和觀點 影音连接


Speaker 講員:

Sue Hurst graduated from Liberty University with a psychology degree specializing in Life Coaching. Additionally, she’s earned 4 coaching certifications with 2 specifically for Emotional Intelligence. She is a speaker and Christian coach that focuses on EQ and presents it with a biblical perspective.

Sue Hurst畢業於Liberty University,獲得心理學學位,專注於人生指導。此外,她還獲得了四項導師認證,其中兩項專攻情商。她是一位知名講員和基督徒導師,她的講座以情商為主題,並以聖經的觀點呈現。



The HCC Family Life ministry is excited to present a weekend conference on EQ – Emotional Quotient, aka Emotional Intelligence. Our society places a lot of value on IQ (Intelligence Quotient), but research shows that EQ is of greater importance than IQ for success in life. For example, your IQ may get you the job you want, but your EQ will help you retain and advance in your job, as you interact with others on your team. Similarly, EQ helps you in your daily relationships and impacts how effective you are in conveying the reality of Christ to others.


Our conference will introduce the 4 key components of EQ, as well as provide workshops on the management of those components: 


Self-awareness 自我意識                        Social awareness 社會意識
      Self-management 自我管理                Relationship management 關係管理




  • 5月5日,星期五 晚上7:30 – 9:30  – 兩場講座
    • 變得像耶穌: 建立在信仰上的情商 影音连接
    • 情緒自我意識: 認識自己的情緒及其影響 影音连接
  • 5月6日,星期六早上 9:00 – 12:30 – 三場工作坊
    • 準確的自我評估: 了解自己的長處和局限 影音连接
    • 藉著基督的個體力量: 以聖經為基礎的價值和能力 影音连接
    • 同理心: 感知他人的感受和觀點 影音连接


Speaker 講員:

Sue Hurst graduated from Liberty University with a psychology degree specializing in Life Coaching. Additionally, she’s earned 4 coaching certifications with 2 specifically for Emotional Intelligence. She is a speaker and Christian coach that focuses on EQ and presents it with a biblical perspective.

Sue Hurst畢業於Liberty University,獲得心理學學位,專注於人生指導。此外,她還獲得了四項導師認證,其中兩項專攻情商。她是一位知名講員和基督徒導師,她的講座以情商為主題,並以聖經的觀點呈現。



The HCC Family Life ministry is excited to present a weekend conference on EQ – Emotional Quotient, aka Emotional Intelligence. Our society places a lot of value on IQ (Intelligence Quotient), but research shows that EQ is of greater importance than IQ for success in life. For example, your IQ may get you the job you want, but your EQ will help you retain and advance in your job, as you interact with others on your team. Similarly, EQ helps you in your daily relationships and impacts how effective you are in conveying the reality of Christ to others.


Our conference will introduce the 4 key components of EQ, as well as provide workshops on the management of those components: 


Self-awareness 自我意識                        Social awareness 社會意識
      Self-management 自我管理                Relationship management 關係管理




  • 5月5日,星期五 晚上7:30 – 9:30  – 兩場講座
    • 變得像耶穌: 建立在信仰上的情商 影音连接
    • 情緒自我意識: 認識自己的情緒及其影響 影音连接
  • 5月6日,星期六早上 9:00 – 12:30 – 三場工作坊
    • 準確的自我評估: 了解自己的長處和局限 影音连接
    • 藉著基督的個體力量: 以聖經為基礎的價值和能力 影音连接
    • 同理心: 感知他人的感受和觀點 影音连接


Speaker 講員:

Sue Hurst graduated from Liberty University with a psychology degree specializing in Life Coaching. Additionally, she’s earned 4 coaching certifications with 2 specifically for Emotional Intelligence. She is a speaker and Christian coach that focuses on EQ and presents it with a biblical perspective.

Sue Hurst畢業於Liberty University,獲得心理學學位,專注於人生指導。此外,她還獲得了四項導師認證,其中兩項專攻情商。她是一位知名講員和基督徒導師,她的講座以情商為主題,並以聖經的觀點呈現。



The HCC Family Life ministry is excited to present a weekend conference on EQ – Emotional Quotient, aka Emotional Intelligence. Our society places a lot of value on IQ (Intelligence Quotient), but research shows that EQ is of greater importance than IQ for success in life. For example, your IQ may get you the job you want, but your EQ will help you retain and advance in your job, as you interact with others on your team. Similarly, EQ helps you in your daily relationships and impacts how effective you are in conveying the reality of Christ to others.


Our conference will introduce the 4 key components of EQ, as well as provide workshops on the management of those components: 


Self-awareness 自我意識                        Social awareness 社會意識
      Self-management 自我管理                Relationship management 關係管理




  • 5月5日,星期五 晚上7:30 – 9:30  – 兩場講座
    • 變得像耶穌: 建立在信仰上的情商 影音连接
    • 情緒自我意識: 認識自己的情緒及其影響 影音连接
  • 5月6日,星期六早上 9:00 – 12:30 – 三場工作坊
    • 準確的自我評估: 了解自己的長處和局限 影音连接
    • 藉著基督的個體力量: 以聖經為基礎的價值和能力 影音连接
    • 同理心: 感知他人的感受和觀點 影音连接


Speaker 講員:

Sue Hurst graduated from Liberty University with a psychology degree specializing in Life Coaching. Additionally, she’s earned 4 coaching certifications with 2 specifically for Emotional Intelligence. She is a speaker and Christian coach that focuses on EQ and presents it with a biblical perspective.

Sue Hurst畢業於Liberty University,獲得心理學學位,專注於人生指導。此外,她還獲得了四項導師認證,其中兩項專攻情商。她是一位知名講員和基督徒導師,她的講座以情商為主題,並以聖經的觀點呈現。



The HCC Family Life ministry is excited to present a weekend conference on EQ – Emotional Quotient, aka Emotional Intelligence. Our society places a lot of value on IQ (Intelligence Quotient), but research shows that EQ is of greater importance than IQ for success in life. For example, your IQ may get you the job you want, but your EQ will help you retain and advance in your job, as you interact with others on your team. Similarly, EQ helps you in your daily relationships and impacts how effective you are in conveying the reality of Christ to others.


Our conference will introduce the 4 key components of EQ, as well as provide workshops on the management of those components: 


Self-awareness 自我意識                        Social awareness 社會意識
      Self-management 自我管理                Relationship management 關係管理




  • 5月5日,星期五 晚上7:30 – 9:30  – 兩場講座
    • 變得像耶穌: 建立在信仰上的情商 影音连接
    • 情緒自我意識: 認識自己的情緒及其影響 影音连接
  • 5月6日,星期六早上 9:00 – 12:30 – 三場工作坊
    • 準確的自我評估: 了解自己的長處和局限 影音连接
    • 藉著基督的個體力量: 以聖經為基礎的價值和能力 影音连接
    • 同理心: 感知他人的感受和觀點 影音连接


Speaker 講員:

Sue Hurst graduated from Liberty University with a psychology degree specializing in Life Coaching. Additionally, she’s earned 4 coaching certifications with 2 specifically for Emotional Intelligence. She is a speaker and Christian coach that focuses on EQ and presents it with a biblical perspective.

Sue Hurst畢業於Liberty University,獲得心理學學位,專注於人生指導。此外,她還獲得了四項導師認證,其中兩項專攻情商。她是一位知名講員和基督徒導師,她的講座以情商為主題,並以聖經的觀點呈現。



The HCC Family Life ministry is excited to present a weekend conference on EQ – Emotional Quotient, aka Emotional Intelligence. Our society places a lot of value on IQ (Intelligence Quotient), but research shows that EQ is of greater importance than IQ for success in life. For example, your IQ may get you the job you want, but your EQ will help you retain and advance in your job, as you interact with others on your team. Similarly, EQ helps you in your daily relationships and impacts how effective you are in conveying the reality of Christ to others.


Our conference will introduce the 4 key components of EQ, as well as provide workshops on the management of those components: 


Self-awareness 自我意識                        Social awareness 社會意識
      Self-management 自我管理                Relationship management 關係管理




  • 5月5日,星期五 晚上7:30 – 9:30  – 兩場講座
    • 變得像耶穌: 建立在信仰上的情商 影音连接
    • 情緒自我意識: 認識自己的情緒及其影響 影音连接
  • 5月6日,星期六早上 9:00 – 12:30 – 三場工作坊
    • 準確的自我評估: 了解自己的長處和局限 影音连接
    • 藉著基督的個體力量: 以聖經為基礎的價值和能力 影音连接
    • 同理心: 感知他人的感受和觀點 影音连接


Speaker 講員:

Sue Hurst graduated from Liberty University with a psychology degree specializing in Life Coaching. Additionally, she’s earned 4 coaching certifications with 2 specifically for Emotional Intelligence. She is a speaker and Christian coach that focuses on EQ and presents it with a biblical perspective.

Sue Hurst畢業於Liberty University,獲得心理學學位,專注於人生指導。此外,她還獲得了四項導師認證,其中兩項專攻情商。她是一位知名講員和基督徒導師,她的講座以情商為主題,並以聖經的觀點呈現。



The HCC Family Life ministry is excited to present a weekend conference on EQ – Emotional Quotient, aka Emotional Intelligence. Our society places a lot of value on IQ (Intelligence Quotient), but research shows that EQ is of greater importance than IQ for success in life. For example, your IQ may get you the job you want, but your EQ will help you retain and advance in your job, as you interact with others on your team. Similarly, EQ helps you in your daily relationships and impacts how effective you are in conveying the reality of Christ to others.


Our conference will introduce the 4 key components of EQ, as well as provide workshops on the management of those components: 


Self-awareness 自我意識                        Social awareness 社會意識
      Self-management 自我管理                Relationship management 關係管理




  • 5月5日,星期五 晚上7:30 – 9:30  – 兩場講座
    • 變得像耶穌: 建立在信仰上的情商 影音连接
    • 情緒自我意識: 認識自己的情緒及其影響 影音连接
  • 5月6日,星期六早上 9:00 – 12:30 – 三場工作坊
    • 準確的自我評估: 了解自己的長處和局限 影音连接
    • 藉著基督的個體力量: 以聖經為基礎的價值和能力 影音连接
    • 同理心: 感知他人的感受和觀點 影音连接


Speaker 講員:

Sue Hurst graduated from Liberty University with a psychology degree specializing in Life Coaching. Additionally, she’s earned 4 coaching certifications with 2 specifically for Emotional Intelligence. She is a speaker and Christian coach that focuses on EQ and presents it with a biblical perspective.

Sue Hurst畢業於Liberty University,獲得心理學學位,專注於人生指導。此外,她還獲得了四項導師認證,其中兩項專攻情商。她是一位知名講員和基督徒導師,她的講座以情商為主題,並以聖經的觀點呈現。



The HCC Family Life ministry is excited to present a weekend conference on EQ – Emotional Quotient, aka Emotional Intelligence. Our society places a lot of value on IQ (Intelligence Quotient), but research shows that EQ is of greater importance than IQ for success in life. For example, your IQ may get you the job you want, but your EQ will help you retain and advance in your job, as you interact with others on your team. Similarly, EQ helps you in your daily relationships and impacts how effective you are in conveying the reality of Christ to others.


Our conference will introduce the 4 key components of EQ, as well as provide workshops on the management of those components: 


Self-awareness 自我意識                        Social awareness 社會意識
      Self-management 自我管理                Relationship management 關係管理




  • 5月5日,星期五 晚上7:30 – 9:30  – 兩場講座
    • 變得像耶穌: 建立在信仰上的情商 影音连接
    • 情緒自我意識: 認識自己的情緒及其影響 影音连接
  • 5月6日,星期六早上 9:00 – 12:30 – 三場工作坊
    • 準確的自我評估: 了解自己的長處和局限 影音连接
    • 藉著基督的個體力量: 以聖經為基礎的價值和能力 影音连接
    • 同理心: 感知他人的感受和觀點 影音连接


Speaker 講員:

Sue Hurst graduated from Liberty University with a psychology degree specializing in Life Coaching. Additionally, she’s earned 4 coaching certifications with 2 specifically for Emotional Intelligence. She is a speaker and Christian coach that focuses on EQ and presents it with a biblical perspective.

Sue Hurst畢業於Liberty University,獲得心理學學位,專注於人生指導。此外,她還獲得了四項導師認證,其中兩項專攻情商。她是一位知名講員和基督徒導師,她的講座以情商為主題,並以聖經的觀點呈現。



The HCC Family Life ministry is excited to present a weekend conference on EQ – Emotional Quotient, aka Emotional Intelligence. Our society places a lot of value on IQ (Intelligence Quotient), but research shows that EQ is of greater importance than IQ for success in life. For example, your IQ may get you the job you want, but your EQ will help you retain and advance in your job, as you interact with others on your team. Similarly, EQ helps you in your daily relationships and impacts how effective you are in conveying the reality of Christ to others.


Our conference will introduce the 4 key components of EQ, as well as provide workshops on the management of those components: 


Self-awareness 自我意識                        Social awareness 社會意識
      Self-management 自我管理                Relationship management 關係管理




  • 5月5日,星期五 晚上7:30 – 9:30  – 兩場講座
    • 變得像耶穌: 建立在信仰上的情商 影音连接
    • 情緒自我意識: 認識自己的情緒及其影響 影音连接
  • 5月6日,星期六早上 9:00 – 12:30 – 三場工作坊
    • 準確的自我評估: 了解自己的長處和局限 影音连接
    • 藉著基督的個體力量: 以聖經為基礎的價值和能力 影音连接
    • 同理心: 感知他人的感受和觀點 影音连接


Speaker 講員:

Sue Hurst graduated from Liberty University with a psychology degree specializing in Life Coaching. Additionally, she’s earned 4 coaching certifications with 2 specifically for Emotional Intelligence. She is a speaker and Christian coach that focuses on EQ and presents it with a biblical perspective.

Sue Hurst畢業於Liberty University,獲得心理學學位,專注於人生指導。此外,她還獲得了四項導師認證,其中兩項專攻情商。她是一位知名講員和基督徒導師,她的講座以情商為主題,並以聖經的觀點呈現。