Life and the Imago Dei | Genesis 1:26-27, Proverbs 24:11-12
Preached By Jason Tarn
Bible Book(s): Genesis, Proverbs

As we paused last week in Genesis 1 to reflect of the significance of the imago dei in relation to race and racism, today we want to draw out further implications as it relates to life and abortion. Forty-nine years ago, the Roe v. Wade decision legalized abortion-on-demand. It is arguably one of the greatest affronts to human dignity and an egregious violation of human rights. Persuasive arguments rooted in logic and natural law could be made, but the Christian's base conviction is the belief that every human being – no matter what stage of development – bears the divine image of our Maker.

Sermon Notes: Life and the Imago Dei

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