Being Successful in the Workplace | Genesis 39:1-23
Preached By Fred Tow
Series: Miscellaneous
Bible Book(s): Genesis

Jesus is our ultimate boss at the workplace. To be successful Christians in the marketplace, we must be accurate representations of God, seeking to please Him and to emulate His character. Others will see God in us, through our speech and behavior, particularly when we are confronted with challenges.|Jesus is our ultimate boss at the workplace. To be successful Christians in the marketplace, we must be accurate representations of God, seeking to please Him and to emulate His character. Others will see God in us, through our speech and behavior, particularly when we are confronted with challenges.|Jesus is our ultimate boss at the workplace. To be successful Christians in the marketplace, we must be accurate representations of God, seeking to please Him and to emulate His character. Others will see God in us, through our speech and behavior, particularly when we are confronted with challenges.|Jesus is our ultimate boss at the workplace. To be successful Christians in the marketplace, we must be accurate representations of God, seeking to please Him and to emulate His character. Others will see God in us, through our speech and behavior, particularly when we are confronted with challenges.

Sermon Notes: Being Successful in the Workplace

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